Art Club Activities
With the fragrance of cinnamon, the art club activities of Anqing Foreign Language School’s east campus are also in full swing. Since the beginning of the semester, the art society of our school has organized a great many activities, which attracted a lot of students to participate in, and the response was warm. For example, this week's Beijing Opera facial makeup painting activity has received unanimous praise. In the colorful art activities, students expanded their extracurricular knowledge and experienced the charm of art.
In this activity, teacher Sun Yingying initially showcased the brief history of Peking Opera and the development process of Peking Opera mask to the students, and led the students understand the relevant knowledge of traditional Peking Opera mask, after which Sun Yingying introduced the process and method of drawing Peking Opera facial makeup to the students, who were enthusiastic and eager to try. As Sun Yingying gave the order, the students couldn't wait to pick up their brushes and tools and began their own painting. Specifically, the students reflected their creative ideas on the blank Peking Opera masks, some of whom drew traditional Peking Opera characters' faces, some drew superheroes' faces, and some drew their own unique faces. Therefore, each piece of work embodied the wisdom and sweat of the children, demonstrating their thinking and creativity, which allowed the children to grow in an all-round way in the process of creating beauty.
Moreover, the art club activities not only cultivated students' interest in art, but also increased their extracurricular knowledge, broadened their horizons, and more importantly, enriched students' cultural life so that students could feel beauty, appreciate beauty and create beauty. Thus, every activity is not only a new attempt and exploration, but also a rare growth experience for the children. Meanwhile, the children painted a colorful world with infinite creativity, and displayed their happiness.
In conclusion, as a significant part of aesthetic education in our school, art associations assume the responsibility of promoting students' all-round development. Furthermore, in the future, our art club will also continue to organize various forms of activities to let students continue to be wonderful!



